Exchange Blocks

This is a chance to win enough blocks to make a quilt by making only one (or more) blocks yourself. Purchase a $2 (or 3/$5) kit which contains a pattern and a background fabric. You add your own fabric to complete the block and return it. For every completed block you return, your name is entered into a drawing to win enough finished blocks to make a quilt.

For more information or questions, contact Georgia McCain at

Guild Challenge

On years where we don’t have a quilt show, the guild does a challenge where everyone makes a quilt based on that year’s rules as set forth by the challenge chairperson. The completed quilts are all displayed at the August luncheon and guild members vote on their favorite, with the top three quilts winning prizes. We display these challenge quilts as a category at our biennial quilt show.


Each January members can sign up to commit to finish one or more self-determined projects by the end of the year. For each finished resolution your name is entered to win prizes at the end of the year, and for each unfinished resolution you must “pay” one fat quarter. Resolutions can be anything quilting related: a project, skill, technique, guild activity like guild challenge, etc. Notify the resolution chairperson each time you finish one of your resolutions to have your name entered for prize drawings in Dec.

For more information, contact Ann Hetrick at